
Beyond addresses, in animated form, the history of Taiwan’s White Terror, possibly the darkest period in Taiwan, that started with the declaration of the martial law in 1949 and ended in 1987. The story was inspired by The February 28 Incident art series by Chen Wu-jen, the book Journey through the White Terror, a daughter’s memoir, written by Kang-i Sun Chang, and other personal stories from victims and their families that lived through the political repression under the rule of Kuomintang (KMT), where people were murdered, imprisoned, and tortured if they were perceived as a threat to the government. 

Beyond was created as one of three invited short films, each on the topic of Taiwan’s White Terror and each by a different artist, that were part of the immersive installation Wormhole of Time at the National Human Rights Museum in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The installation, which was directed by Craig Quintero and on display from November 11 to December 12, 2021, invited viewers to appreciate the three short films from a birds-eye perspective while lying face down. The novel viewing method provided an unfamiliar perspective, which helped audiences recover an emotional and atmospheric connection to long past events.

2021 Human Rights Art Life Festival-Immersive installation “The Wormhole of Time”, New Taipei City


  • BEYOND: The Cary Film Festival, Cary, NC. September 2024
  • Full Bloom Film Festival, Statesville, NC. September 2024
  • San Francisco Arthouse Short Festival, San Francisco, CA. September 2024 (semifinalist)
  • Ethnografilm Paris, France. March 2024
  • Spotlight on Academics Flim Festival, Thunder Bay, Ontario. February 2024 (semifinalist)
  • Awareness Festival, Los Angeles, CA. October 2023
  • Life Screening International Short Film Festival, Clermont, FL. October 2023
  • Human Rights Art Life Festival-Immersive installation “The Wormhole of Time”, New Taipei City, Taiwan. November 2021

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